Lugger Falcon at the National Centre for Birds of Prey, Duncombe Park, Helmsley UK

Schools and Group Visits


We welcome school trips.

We have a Teachers’ Pack that gives a flavour of what we can provide.

We have a special discounted rate of just £7.50 (including VAT) per child.

Please click here to download the Teachers’ Welcome Pack (650KB pdf). If a teacher wishes to come on a pre-trip visit, if you print out the pack and bring it with you – you’ll get free access to the centre. Full risk assessments can be found in the Teachers’ Welcome Pack.

A copy of our liability insurance can be found here

We have indoor areas for schools to use for either picnicking or study.

We also have a variety of worksheets, colouring-in pictures and games.

Please contact us or call us on 01439 772080 if you would like to discuss your visit


We offer a 10% discount for non-school groups of over 15 people, both in advance bookings and at the gate, providing the group is paid for in one transaction.

Below are the prices per person for groups:

Group Prices

Adults        £13.50

Children (4 to 16) £10.35

Seniors     £12.60

Under 4s – free!

If you would like to make a group booking please contact Reception on 01439 772080 or email us

Prebooked groups can be provided with a free guided tour. This takes place outside our flying times.


Sorry, but we are not able to accept cheques as payment for admission other than prepaid in time for the cheque to clear. We accept most credit and debit cards.